Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is older BOLDER and better? No not a BBQ sauce but me!

I found myself looking back and still steaming a little about the PSI job opportunity.  I would have been a great fit for that company.  I know the veterinary field, I have the personality to get past the "pit bulls" (reception area) I have done  this before.  So when the new PSI rep walked in all young blond and with the personality of a slug I had to think............................ if I would have sent someone in young with an ear bud to communicate with...............I probably would have gotten the job.

I was a little encouraged (in a sad way) when I found out one of my classmates who has a lot of talent has not been able to find work either.


It is an employers market out there and everyone can get the perfect cut out employee (on paper) but watch out cause you might get paper cuts :)

Take a chance on someone with fresh ideas who might not have each and every qualification you are looking for.  READ resumes and cover letters and don't just look for "key words"  try to get to know us the bolder and older group because we deserve a chance.

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