Monday, February 18, 2013

how long do you wait to follow up?

So I had an interview that I thought went pretty well.  I sent a follow up email on Friday (the interview was Wed.)  Now I am playing the waiting game.  Don't want to seem impatient but  I sure would like to know if  I got the job.  I think it would be a great fit both for the company and myself.  I think I did well on the interview.  Now of course I keep second guessing myself.  I just wonder how long before I should follow up.  It will be a week on Wed. so I am thinking I will give it until Friday. It's always hard to know when to follow up.  You don't want to seem like a stalker but at the same time you don't want to end up on the bottom of the pile because you didn't seem interested.  I have my fingers crossed that  I will find something out  this week.  I would LOVE LOVE LOVE this job and just hope that I get it.  If not.................well  there is something else out there  I am sure. 

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