Thursday, December 13, 2012

New Years wish

This year I will not vow to lose weight or exercise more.  I might try but  I never succeed.  However I  WILL work hard to keep looking for a job.

Since so many things are interent only with no possible way to follow up I am revamping my website to hopefully make it look more professional.  I am also setting a goal of 5 applications per week.  I know I can do more but that is a great minimum goal.

So how to  I begin to get myself known................  I have the burmese breed rescue site, and my moms site that I can do when  I have more time.  I think  I have an idea to market to veterinary clinics and see if  I can get any takers.  I might have a "dummy" site or sample site for them to see.  I am going to send out a brochure to the clinics that do not have a site and give them a pretty good deal.

Watch out 2013 here I come.

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