Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happy Birthday

So I made myself a promise that I was going to be working in a different environment before my birthday.  This obviously isn't going to happen, unless someone takes pity on me and hires me in the next 7 days. you get AHEM...............older, tend to be a time of reflection.  Instead of looking back and focusing on what I have not done I am spending this week thinking about everything I have done. 

I am rather happy with my life, I have a daughter, grandson, and a great partner to share my life with.  I am by no means rich, but  I have a job for which I am grateful for, and many people I can count on when I need them.  Help is always just a phone call away. 

I started college rather late in life but I have managed to keep a 4.0 GPA and have not faltered in the fact that I will get a new career soon. 

I have my health, and despite needing to lose a few pounds I am in pretty good shape. 

I inherited a great sense of humor from my father, who I miss dearly, and my mom is still alive to share my life with.

SO I didn't reach my goal..............that is ok  one must always set goals and occasionally push the reset button.

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